
The Institute for Programming Languages and Systems was founded in fall 2018 by Prof. Peter Müller, Prof. Zhendong Su and Prof. Martin Vechev.  Prof. Markus Püschel joined the Institute in 2019, Prof. Ralf Jung joined in 2022 and Prof. Michalis Kokologiannakis joined in 2024.

The six groups listed below are now part of the Institute.

Peter Müller

The Programming Methodology Group with its head Prof. Dr. Peter Müller was founded in August 2008.

Program Verification, Static Program Analysis, Type Systems, Testing, Formal Methods, Tools.

Markus Püschel

The Advanced Computing Laboratory Lab with its head Prof. Dr. Markus Püschel was founded in September 2010.

Research across a range of topics in computer science, often exploring and exploiting interesting connections between domains. Longstanding research themes include program generation for performance and novel forms of Fourier analysis and signal processing. Recently the lab also focus on machine learning and program analysis. Most research has a salient mathematical aspect.  

Martin Vechev

The Secure, Reliable and, Intelligent Systems Lab with its head Prof. Dr. Martin Vechev was founded in January 2012.

Program Analysis, Program Synthesis, Application of Machine Learning to Programming Languages, Concurrency.

Zhendong Su

The Advanced Software Technologies Lab with its head Prof. Dr. Zhendong Su was founded in August 2018.

Compilers, Programming Methodologies and Tools, Testing, Analysis, Verification, Software Security, Machine Learning, Education Technologies.

Prof. Ralf Jung

The Programming Language Foundations Lab with its head Prof. Dr. Ralf Jung was founded in 2022.

My two main lines of work are about Rust and Iris. On the Rust side, I am working (also in collaboration with the Rust language team) towards a solid formal foundation for the language. My goal is to make unsafe Rust just as safe as safe Rust by means of formal verification. On the Iris side, besides continuing development of its logical foundations, I am interested in applying Iris to new problem domains.

Prof. Dr. Michalis Kokologiannakis

The Automated Reasoning and Verification Group  with its head Prof. Dr. Michalis Kokologiannakis was founded in 2024.

I am broadly interested in programming languages, compilers, and software verification. More specifically, I am mainly interested in automated verification and testing, with emphasis on concurrent programming and algorithms that incorporate extensions for checking the effects of the weak memory models employed by modern microprocessors.

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